Here are a few reasons why the hosting provider you select can pose hidden dangers:

Website Performance:

The performance of your website, including its speed and reliability, is directly influenced by the quality of your hosting provider.

A poor hosting service with limited server resources, poor infrastructure, or frequent downtime can result in slow page loading times, increased bounce rates, and a negative website user experience.

This can lead to frustrated visitors and a loss of potential customers.

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO):

Search engines, like Google, consider website performance as a ranking factor.

If your website consistently experiences slow loading times or frequent downtime due to hosting issues, search engines may penalise your site's SEO rankings.

This can negatively impact your visibility in search engine results, making it harder for potential customers to find you.

Security Vulnerabilities:

Hosting your website on an insecure or unreliable server can expose your website to security risks.

A compromised server can lead to unauthorised access, data breaches, malware infections, and other cyber threats.

This not only puts your website and customer data at risk but can also damage your reputation and result in financial losses.

Limited Support and Technical Assistance:

Choosing a hosting provider that offers limited or subpar customer support can be detrimental to your website's success.

If you encounter technical issues, downtime, or require assistance, it's crucial to have prompt and reliable support from your hosting provider.

Without timely support, your website may experience prolonged downtime, impacting user experience and your ability to address issues effectively.

Remember if you pay peanuts, then the host may not even answer the phone if you need them and just rely on ticketing systems.

At Clickingmad we run our own hosting so you have just one number to call.

Scalability and Resource Allocation:

As your website grows, you may require additional server resources, such as increased storage, bandwidth, or processing power.

If your hosting provider does not offer flexible scaling options or charges exorbitant fees for upgrades, it can hinder your website's ability to handle increased traffic, leading to performance issues and potentially lost business opportunities.

Backup and Disaster Recovery:

Regular backups and reliable disaster recovery measures are essential for website protection.

If your hosting provider does not offer robust backup solutions or reliable disaster recovery mechanisms, you risk losing valuable data, including website content, customer information, and configurations, in the event of a server failure or other unforeseen events.

To mitigate these hidden dangers, it is important to thoroughly research and choose a reputable hosting provider.

Consider factors such as server performance, uptime, security measures, customer support quality, scalability options, backup and recovery procedures, and user reviews. Prioritising a reliable hosting service that meets your website's specific needs can contribute to its success by providing a positive user experience, improved SEO rankings, and enhanced security.

At Clickingmad we partner with some of the best hosting solutions available.

We spend a LOT of money on hosting, much more than comparable agencies.

Why? Because what you pay does really affect what you get. We work with all the major providers; Amazon AWS, Cloudflare (DNS routing), Google and our own chosen server partner Prostack.

At Prostack we manage multiple dedicated servers with best of breed security, redundancy, back up and fail over.

All these technical aspects make our hosting amongst the best you can buy.

FAQ's about hosting

What are the most common types website hosting?

There are several types of website hosting available, each offering different features and levels of control. Here are some of the most common types of website hosting:

Shared Hosting:

In shared hosting, multiple websites are hosted on a single server. It is an affordable option as the cost is distributed among multiple users. However, resources such as CPU, RAM, and bandwidth are shared, which can affect performance if other websites on the same server experience high traffic.

Virtual Private Server (VPS) Hosting:

VPS hosting uses virtualisation technology to divide a physical server into multiple virtual servers. Each VPS operates independently with dedicated resources, including CPU, RAM, and storage. It offers more control and flexibility than shared hosting.

Dedicated Hosting:

With dedicated hosting, you have an entire physical server dedicated to your website. This option provides maximum control, customisation, and performance. You can configure the server according to your specific needs, but it requires technical expertise and is more expensive than shared or VPS hosting.

Cloud Hosting:

Cloud hosting utilises a network of interconnected servers to host websites. It offers scalability and reliability as resources can be quickly allocated or scaled down based on demand. It is suitable for websites with fluctuating traffic or those expecting rapid growth.

Managed Hosting:

Managed hosting involves the provider handling technical aspects of server management, such as software updates, security patches, backups, and monitoring. It allows website owners to focus on content and business aspects rather than server administration.

These are some of the main types of website hosting available. Each option has its advantages and considerations, so it's essential to choose the one that aligns with your website's needs, traffic, budget, and technical expertise.



What is a dedicated server?

A dedicated server refers to a physical server entirely dedicated to a single website or client. Unlike shared hosting or virtual private servers (VPS), where resources are shared among multiple users, a dedicated server provides exclusive access to the server's resources, including CPU, RAM, storage, and bandwidth.

With a dedicated server, your website company has full control over the server's configuration and can customise it to meet their specific requirements. They have the flexibility to choose the operating system, software, and other components installed on the server. This level of control is particularly beneficial for websites with high traffic, resource-intensive applications, or specific security and compliance requirements.

Some advantages of using a dedicated server include:


Since the server's resources are dedicated solely to one website or client, there is no sharing of resources, resulting in better performance and faster loading times.


Dedicated servers can be easily scaled up or down based on the website's needs. As traffic increases, additional resources can be allocated to ensure optimal performance.

Enhanced Security:

With a dedicated server, you have full control over the server's security measures. You can implement advanced security configurations, firewalls, and monitoring systems to protect your website and sensitive data.


The client has complete control over the server's software and configuration. This allows for customisation and the ability to install specific applications or software that are required for the website or business operations.


Dedicated servers offer high reliability as resources are not shared with other users. There is no risk of other websites affecting your server's performance or uptime.

However, it's important to note that dedicated servers require more technical knowledge and management skills. The website company is responsible for server administration, including software updates, security patches, backups, and monitoring.

Alternatively, managed dedicated hosting options are available where the hosting provider takes care of the server management tasks on behalf of the client. This option is usually very expensive and therefore only works for larger businesses.

Dedicated servers are generally recommended for websites with high traffic, resource-intensive applications, or those that require maximum control, customisation, and security.

At Clickingmad we look after our own group of dedicated servers and we take care of all of the technical aspects making sure that our hosting is very, very fast and highly secure.



How can you tell if your website hosting is fast enough?

To determine if your website hosting is fast, you can perform several tests and evaluations. Here are some methods to assess the speed of your website hosting:

Website Load Time:

The most direct indicator of hosting speed is how quickly your website loads for visitors. You can use tools like GTmetrix, Pingdom, or PageSpeed Insights to measure your website's load time. These tools provide detailed reports that show the load time, page size, and recommendations for improving performance.

Server Response Time:

Server response time, also known as Time to First Byte (TTFB), measures the time taken by the server to respond to a request. Lower server response times indicate faster hosting. Tools like WebPageTest or Pingdom can provide insights into your server response time.


Uptime refers to the percentage of time your website remains accessible and operational. A fast hosting provider should have a reliable uptime guarantee, typically around 99.9% or higher. Regular monitoring of your website's uptime using tools like UptimeRobot or StatusCake can help you assess the hosting provider's reliability.

Content Delivery Network (CDN):

Utilising a content delivery network can significantly improve website speed. CDN providers like Cloudflare or Akamai distribute your website's content across multiple servers worldwide, reducing latency and improving load times for users in different geographic locations.

Bandwidth and Traffic Handling:

Check if your hosting plan offers sufficient bandwidth to handle your website's expected traffic. Limited bandwidth can lead to slower loading speeds, particularly during peak periods of high traffic. Ensure your hosting plan accommodates the expected number of visitors and data transfer requirements.

Data Center Location:

The physical location of your hosting server can impact website speed. If your target audience is mainly located in a specific region, choose a hosting provider with data centers in or near that region. Proximity reduces latency and improves response times.

Server Hardware and Software Optimisation:

High-performance servers with modern hardware and software optimisations can contribute to faster hosting. Hosting providers that prioritise server optimisation, use solid-state drives (SSDs), employ caching mechanisms, and keep their infrastructure up to date can improve website speed.

Technical Support and Expertise:

Efficient technical support can help identify and address speed-related issues promptly. Hosting providers with knowledgeable and responsive support teams can assist in optimising server configurations and addressing performance bottlenecks that may impact website speed.

Regularly monitoring your website's speed and performance is crucial to ensure fast hosting.

Important: If you visit your own website regularly, you may think your website is fast. Because your computer will remember the website and give you the one it has saved in it cache (local memory) and not a real world version.

The tools listed above can emulate connections to your website using mobile phones and slow connections, it is these you must look at for a more constructive picture.

If you consistently experience slow speeds or performance issues, it might be worth considering alternative hosting options or reaching out to your hosting provider for assistance in optimising your website's performance.



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